This video stood out to me because to think something like this could happen one day its frightning. This clip showed New York city getting hit with some of the worst storms ever they got hit with everything including flooding , hurricanes, tornadoes , freezing cold tempatures it was just horrible because maybe this could happen one day if we do not start taking care of planet starting now . This was all global warming and it can be prevented from happening or getting worse. The author or person who did directed this movie got his message across really well and porbably opened some peoples eyes to reality and what can happen in the future if we dont fix the problem now. If this was to happen there would be no human race we would all be gone and what would the world be like. Its something to always keep in the back of your mind and this is not the only movie that came out about the future being destroyed theres also the movie 2012 which suggest that the world will be ending in 2012 no one believes in it i think but the problem would only get worse if we dont fix it now.
This video of the movie 2012 says that we where warned that something like this would happen oneday and no one listened . I think that we see little bits of it such as global warming and the polar bears not having a place to live and also the temperatures always changing. That doesnt mean that this will happen one day we just need to be cautious and take care of the planet . I think the author made his point across by instilling fear into people who watched the movie because now if people really believe in this movie they might want to be able to change some things or even if you dont believe in 2012 you still want to change things so this wont happen in the fufure.
Good choices, Ivone.